Sometimes in Science the data
you expect from your experiments do not appear. This is the reason why Biology, or Microbiology
in this case, is an experimental Science. As you already know last experiments should have indicated a putative mutation frequency affected by the uv treatment.
However, we have only data from the plates incubated
at Paula’s Home (Fig. 1; 3I plates). The plates incubated
in the Lab (3G plates) are a real mess!
Figure 1: images of the plates with identical dilutions of
3I (Paula’splates) and 3G (Labplates)isolates. Above plates indicating total
bacteria (TY plates). Below plates indicating mutants in SacB gene (Sacarose plates). In 3G plates the bacterial spread
was not properly done. Plates were not dried before to perform incubations.It is difficult
to count colonies and to be sure of the dilutions performed.
Which is this difference
of this result with the previous one (see last entries)?
As I mention, something (just a Little detail)
was wrong. I found out that the plate were humid when I saw one day later after incubation.
This humidity is critical to form single colonies (also occur in
previous experiments). Does it!!!.
However, in
spite we can not yet estimate the mutant frequency. We can deduce that the experiments are,
in principle,well performed. Uv treatments looks to have in effect on bacteria,
and the dilutions calculated are probably right in order to get the accurate conclussions
of our work.
We have to
planify the next experiments in order to avoid this error. Plates must be dry by
standing opened for a while (3-5 min) before to close with parafilm and put in
the incubators.
Again, next session is awaiting us!!
That is Science!! Be patients and consistents.
Francisco Martínez-Abarca
Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC.