Wednesday, 17 February 2016

When the mess is less mess

Last session confirm we are too much closer to the end of our Project. Again, we find out our Project deals with counting bacteria, don’t we?. But examining your faces yesterday  we also realized the meaning to count bacterial colonies in a plate: 

to know the number of bacteria present in a particular tube or treatment

All serial dilutions performed aim to obtain that number as accurate as posible. In this regard and analyzing the data obtained in the last experiment Paula’s home we could observe an interesting “tendency” in the dataRemind last experiment (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: This figure summarizes what we did in the previous sesión (18th Jan) and yesterday (16th Feb). A S. meliloti culture was distribuited to three plates and stress under uv treatments (0, 15’’ and 30’’). All further steps where designed in order to get the number of bacteria and mutants present in the different treatments.
As we could observed; some of the plates were a real mess (Lab plates see previos entry in the blog). However, after a detail analysis of Paula’s home bacteria plates we could obtain some numbers (see table 1):

Table 1: Colony counts of the respective dilutions and treatments performed
These numbers reflect an interesting result. If we interpret properly what they mean we can observe a clear effect on bacterial growth by uv treatment (Table 2)
 Table 2: Effect of uv treatment on bacterial counts
And also an astonishing “tendency” of the putative frequency of mutants on the plate’s uv treatments (Table 3)

Table 3: Effect of uv treatment on mutation frequency
All of us (teachers, coordinators, friends,  … included) must know how these data appear (all calculations performed). And, most important, we must be aware about the meaning and importance of this last result.
As expected in Science. Experiments must be reproducible. 
What we are waiting for next session?
We repeated the experiements over a new culture of 3G S. meliloti strain (I remind you the previous was 3I). In which every treatment 0, 15 and 30 seconds of uv) was made twice. Now, Plates are in Paula’s home (and also in the Lab).
Hopefully, these new results allow to determine uv effect more accurately.
Come on as I mention previosly the end of the Project is much closer.
And finally only mention that the PIIISA commission (in Granada) did not allowed to hold our next session of 2nd March in the PARQUE DE LAS CIENCIAS in Granada.

We’ll see in the EEZ next session.

Francisco Martínez-Abarca

Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC.


  1. Una pena que siendo el Parque de las Ciencias un referente en Andalucía para acercar la ciencia al ciudadano de a pie, no podáis tener la próxima sesión de trabajo allí.

  2. Pues sí. A mucha gente le resulta dificil de entender. Todos los implicados estabamos muy ilusionados...
    Pero el Proyecto sigue...

    Francisco Martínez-Abarca
    Department of Microbiology
    C/ Profesor Albareda n 1
    18008 Granada

  3. Hello! As I couldn't go to the last session in EEZ, I'm watching the experiments now. I'm very excited because the last experiment has been all right! The problem is that I don't understand some things, so the next sesion I'll have some questions to ask you.
    I'm also disappointed because I would like to go to Parque de las Ciencias to have the next sesion, but I don't understand why we don't go.
    See you next week!

  4. Vaya... Poder continuar con el experimento en el Parque de las Ciencias iba a ser una experiencia única y muy interesante. No entiendo el por qué sinceramente.
