Monday, 21 March 2016

Last Results, First Conclusions

Hi Team!!!
Again, last session dealt with our favourite activity: “Counting colonies”, isn’t it??
Of course, we did more things!!!. We get it our last (final) result (sumarizes on  table 1).

Table 1: bacterial colony counting of the last two experiments. Dilutions (-4)-(-6) correspond total colonies on TY Km plates; Dilutions (1) to (-1) correspond total colonies on TY Km, Sac plates.

When we use those data to get the graphic of uv effect on bacterial growth; we decide to not consider the data on 3G bacteria plates. It is probably some error  in the dilution protocol performed with this particular isolate. However, a nice and reproducible uv effect on bacterial culture can be observed in the experiments I and II (3I bacterium isolate). From those data we can obtain our results and conclusions of our project (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Effect of uv treatment on (A) bacterial growth and (B) mutation frequency of S. meliloti bacteria.

All of us must be able to obtain the numbers of this figures based on table 1; understand their meaning and of course understand which are our conclusions:
  1. We demonstrate S meliloti growth is sensitive to uv treatments
  2. Uv treatments does not increase the mutation frequency in S. meliloti.
  3. We cannot discard a putative effect on the type of mutation generated.
Now we have to:
  1. Put the figure legend on all figures of the work: (see in resouces Figures) see examples on previous PIIISA manuscripts.
  2. Think in the my own ideas section.
Based on our work: manuscript (proceedings), Poster and Oral presentation must be designed.
Come on!!! we almost touching the end of this great adventure!!!!

Francisco Martínez-Abarca
Departamento de Microbiología y Sistemas Simbióticos.
Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

An experiment that summarizes all our work!!!

Hi All:
As experts in Microbiology we must understand the whole meaning of our last experimental result (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1: Aspect of bacterial plates incubated in the Lab after 5 days at 30ºC.

Figure 2: Aspect of bacterial plates incubated in Paula’s drawer after 7 days at Room Temperature.

Analyzing the images we rapidly can undertand what we can interpret from the data and what we can conclude of our research. This is basic to perform our: Poster, Proceedings/Manuscript and Exposition.

Come on!!!  we are in the way to convince to the audience what we have inferred of our research. But, … First of all: we need to have Numbers for every bacteria (3G and 3I):

-Uv effect on bacterial growth (mean and margins!!!)
-Uv effect on mutation frequency (mean and margins).

Come on who is the first!!! I would like We’ll infer the numbers from the plates photographs. Use the blog!!!
I propose to discuss all this result in an extra session next week (14-18 March 2016).
See your email and wassap!!!

Francisco Martínez-Abarca
Departamento de Microbiología y Sistemas simbióticos.
Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC.

Thursday, 3 March 2016

We have a title for our work!!

Hi All:
The end of our research is really close. Last session we decided which is the title that explain the work performed. It was at the end of the morning. But it was a very important moment:
“Effect of ultra-violet light on the mutation frequency of a soil bacteria”.
All of us understood, what we already made. Try to determine if our “favourite” bacteria – Sinorhizobium meliloti- can serve as a test for evaluate the DNA damage caused by ultraviolet light exposure.
Now, we are close to the end, but… we need to put an extra effort to get it.

Fig 1.  Carmen and Cristina mixing bacterial culture previously to the uv treatments

In resources (see here), we have the current state of our “manuscript”.  We need to fill all the parts of our comunication (Highlights, Summary, Introduction, mat and methods, Results, Conclussions. It is extremely helpful to visit what students made last year (see here). 
Special focus should be made in the part of MY OWN IDEAS. This is a summary of the meaning of this project for everyone. 
You must think on it.
Come on, we are deal with the finishing of a Fantastic Project
Hip, hip Hurra!!!!

Francisco Martínez-Abarca
Departamento de Microbiología y Sistemas Simbióticos.
Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC.