Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Preparing our first oral presentation

Last day (4th of April) was a strange day… Only talking, only thinking, only deciding what order of the three important tasks we are conducting: manuscript, poster and finally the oral presentation… . However, after the whole session we found out we did not miss our time.

-The structure of the Poster has been decided; photographs.

-Also the main scaffold of the oral presentation.

-And all the figure legends and how the reader must reach to our conclussions of the work in the manuscript.

Yes!!!,  we have a plan; and only the final steps remain to be completed. 

On a Next and decissive appoinment we must conclude we are perfectly prepared to astonish to a general audience about our fantastic project which has transformed us.

Students at the begining; just arrive to the lab (November 2015).

Students current state: experts in a microbiology lab.

On the other hand,  it would be highly recommended that you visit the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE5fid23nlM&feature=youtu.be (min 16:25-22:50)
It is a good example how we can do it!!!. Come on it will be a fantastic ending of our project.

Hip, hip Hurra!!.

Do not forget:
Important dates:
Next session: Thurday 21th April at 16:30. Salon de Actos EEZ.
22th April. Dead line for my own ideas…
Thursday 5th of May. First congress; it will be held on IPBlN-CSIC (http://www.ipb.csic.es/)

Dr Francisco Marti­nez-Abarca
Department of Microbiology

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